Sometimes I still think to myself, I can’t believe I live on the West Coast! Southern California at that.
Being raised on the East Coast is a completely different animal than being in the land of palm trees, sticky green and latte’s.
I had a great life on the East Coast, great career, home, large family and all the norms or what we think is normal.
KellyG and I started in the Northeast, Massachusetts to be exact. We knew each other as kids, our lives and interests took us away from each other for over 30 years!
Mine took me to the South for 20+ years and KellyG’s took her to California where she hit it big in the entertainment industry.
A lot has happened between then and now. Long story short, we are together in sunny southern California.
I never thought that I would be put down roots here, feeling my creative juices flow here and wanting to become part of the movement which is stand up and stake your claim to whatever you want.
For me on the East coast, it was more of a corporate lifestyle, out here, the entrepreneurial spirit is running wild and I caught the fever.
Is it the warm weather? The positivity? One of my other loves, the ocean?
We absolutely love the indoor/outdoor living on the West coast! Most of my family is on the East coast, buttoned up with the heat on as I type! KellyG and I are sitting on the terrace at Urth Caffe’ having dinner and writing, in February!
More to come on the many differences of the East and the West in another blog.
Exposure Leads To Expansion!