You may have heard the term, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. That’s true in the literal sense, but you should plant a money tree as soon as possible, if you haven’t already.
Have you planted your money tree? Even in biblical times, the tree symbolizes life, growth, wisdom, and provision!

That’s what I want every cent that comes from my money tree to provide. Planting a money tree is an analogy for investing!
Making your initial investments, nurturing them and watching them grow. When you think about it, the comparisons are too similar to ignore. You plant a seed, this would be your initial investment. At that time, the most important thing for that seed is dirt, as the most important thing for a savvy investor is time.
You water the seed, the combination of the water and the good soil encourages growth. You add to your initial investment on a monthly basis, the combination of your monthly contributions and time stimulates growth.
As time goes on your tree begins to grow and grow as does your investments. The tree receiving water and sunlight on a regular basis as your investments receive regular contributions and whatever maintenance it needs in terms of allocation and diversification.
Depending on the type of tree that was planted, it will eventually bear fruit when it matures. If taken care of, it can bear fruit for 20 to 30 years or more. This is the ultimate goal with a fruit tree and your money tree! Just like the fruit tree, when your portfolio matures, it will eventually bear fruit by way of yielding dividends or selling a small percentage of your growth stocks per year, ie the 4% rule.
This can last for decades after retirement if the money tree is cultivated and taken care of before and after retirement. The best time to start investing , or planting your money tree is when you are young. The second best time is now!
Start investing if you haven't, keep investing if you have. Plant and cultivate your money tree!